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II B.Sc. It asp.net Online lab programs ...click here
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Walk-in Interview on 08 Dec 2010 in MKU Evening College Madurai...click here
campus interview on 28.8.2010...click here
III MCA V Semester Syllabus...click here
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III MCA Second Project review ... click here
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III MCA V Semester syllabus... click here
III MCA First project review results>
A6700200 K.Jeyanthi : simply the concept is give. No knowledge about the language of implementation
A6700205 M.Arivazhagan :should be clear about the conceptual view of the project
A6700206 D.Arun Nivas : progress of the project OK. need to refer more
A6700207 S.Christofer :No through knowledge on the project
A6700208 C.Kannan : Progress of the project is OK. need refer to more
A6700209 R.Pradeep Sathyaraj :progress of the project is ok. need refer to more
A6700210 D.Sureshkumar :Need to refer the clustering algorithms, sample algorithm and data
set used to be shown
III BCA Event Diary Details
700 Z.Masthan Bibi: progress of the project is ok, need to refer more
702 P.Nithya Kalyani: should be clear about the conceptual view of the project
704 A.Vallikannu: progress of the project is ok, need to refer language description
706 P.Arish: simply the concept is give no knowledge about the language
708 R.Arun Kumar: progress of the project is ok
709 K.Ashok Kumar:simply the concept is give no knowledge about the language
712 J.Joseph Nehemiah: progess of the project is OK, need to refer more
713 K.Karthick: progress of the project is OK, need to refer more
717 R.Rajesh Raj: simply the concept is give no knowledge about the language
718 V.Ranjith Kumar: No through knowledge on the project
719 D.Sankara Pandian: progress of the project is OK, need to refer more
723 P.Sheik Jalal: No through knowledge on the project
725 M.Thanga palani: No through knowledge on the project
All students must give the following information on 12.1.2009.
1.company details
2.project title
3.software description
An event diary to be opened on 12.1.2009
All students must give the following information on 12.1.2009.
1.company details
2.project title
3.software description
An event diary to be opened on 12.1.2009
All students must give the following information on 9.1.2009.
1.company details(1 mark)
2.project title (2 marks)
3.software description (2 marks)
An event diary to be opened on 9.1.2009.
After the last date you will not get the above marks
celebrex |
III MCA Second Project Review April 2009
Submit the following documents for the second review to be held
on 27.04.2009 at 11 a.m. One page description for the following
1.About the project
2.project introduction
3.feasibility study
4.Initial Investigation
5.Benefits of proposed system
6.software and hardware requirements
7.Programming environments
8.System diagram
9.Data flow diagram
10.Table design
11.Input and output design
13.Quality assurance
14.System security
15.Maintenance, future enhancement and Attendence certificate
Note : Only those who had paid the final semester tution fee are permitted to attend the review
II MCA III Semester Syallabus
1.Optimization techniques
Unit I
Introduction to O.R- L.P problem formation - Graphical method - simplex method - big M method
-duality -Dual Simplex method
Unit II
Transportation problems - vogel's approximation method - MODI method - transshipment problem
Assignment problem - Traveling salesman problem.
Unit III
Game theory - two person zero sum game - game with and without saddle point - solution of 2*2
game - dominance - Graphical method and linear programmer method.
Network scheduling - critical path - CPM - PERT - PERT algorithm - Time cost optimization
algorithm - Ray method - resource allocation and scheduling.
Unit IV
Inventory problems: deterministic model - EOQ model with uniform demand, Production Inventory
model, Inventory model with planned shortages and inventory model with quantity discounts
Probabilistic inventory model - Inventory systems - safety stock - reorder level - reorder
point determination
Unit V
Queuing theory:poisson and exponential distribution,birth -death process.queues with combined
arrivals and departures : steady state measures ; specialized passion queues : Including
multiple servers and / or finite waiting hall
Test Books:
1.Operations Research - An Introduction - Hamdy A.Taha, Macmillan International student's
edition , Delhi 1996
2.Operations Research, Kanti swarup, R.K. Gupta and manmohan, sultahn chand and sons, Delhi
2.Computer Networks
Unit I
Introduction - fundamental concepts - data communications - protocols - standards
standards organizations - signal propagation - analog and digital signals - bandwidth of a
signal and medium - bandwidth of a signal and a medium - Fourier analysis and the concept of
bandwidth of a signal-data transmission rate and the bandwidth.Analog and digital transmission
methods: Introduction - Analog signal transmission - digital signal transmission - baud rate
and bit per second - analog, signal storage and transmission - Nyquist theorem. modes of data
transmission and synchronous and Asynchronous communication - simplex, half duplex and full
duplex communication - multiplexing - types of multiplexing-FDM versus TDM.Transmission errors
Detection and correction:introduction - error classification - types of errors - error detection
Transmission media: introduction: guided media - unguided media - Shannon capacity.
Unit II
Netowork toplogies, switching and routing algorithms: Introduction - mesh, star, tree
ring, bus, hybrid topology -switching basics - circuit switching - packet switching - message
switching - router and routing - factors affecting routing algorithms - routing algorithms -
approaches to routing. Networking protocols and OSI model: Introduction - protocols in computer
communications - OSI models - OSI layer functions. LAN - Ethernet - token ring FDDI - MAN - DQDB
SMDS - WAN, architecture, transmission mechanism, addressing - packet forwarding - next hop tables
and routing
Unit III
Isdn background, architecture, interfaces - functional grouping - reference points - ISDN
protocol architecture - B-ISDN, x.25 protocol: how x.25 works - characteristics of x.25 - packet
format - x.25 operation. frame relay: need for frame relay - how it works - frame format - congestion
control - traffic control - FRAD - other features ATM overview - packet size - virtual circuits
in ATM - ATM cells - switching - ATM layers.
Unit IV
Internetworking concepts, Devices, internet basics, history and architecture: Introduction - why
internetworking - problem in internetworking - dealing with Incomatibility issues - virtual networsks
Internetworking devices - repeaters - bridges -routers - gateways. History, growth of internet
internet topology - internal architecture of ISP. ways of Accessing the internet: Dial up access
for an individual user - why IP addresses? - logical addresses - example - concept of IP addresses
Unit V
TCP basics - Features of TCP - Relationship between TCP and IP - ports and sockets - passive open and
ACtive open connections - TCP connections - what makes TCP reliable ? - TCP packet format -persistent
TCP connections - UDP - UDP packet - Difference between TCP and UDP. DNS - Email - FTP - TFTP. History
of www- basics of www and browsing - locating information in the internet -html-web browser architecture
web pages and multimedia - remote login (telnet) -static dynamic active web page
Text Book:
Data Communication and Networks - Achyut S.Godbole, Tata McGraw hall, 2005
3.Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Unit I
Introduction: Algorithm - scope of algorithms - steps of development of algorithm - types of problem
-types of solution procedure / Algorithm - components of algorithm - Graphs: Introduction - Terminologies
of graph - Network - Tree. Data Structure : Introduction - stack data structrue - queue data structure
-Linked list data structure - binary tree data structure.
Unit II
Distanced based network algorithm - Introduction - Dijkstra's Algorithm -floyds algorithm - minimum
spanning tree problems. search algorithms : Introduction - variable based search algorithm - branch and bound
Unit III
Sorting Algorithms: Introduction -straight insertion sort - bubble sort - heap sort - quick sort - merge sort
Unit IV
Heuristics: Introduction - Travelling salesman problem - simple heuristic to minimize total tardiness in
single machine scheduling problem - heuristic for total covering problem. Dyanmic programming: Introduction
terminologies - dynamic - programming algorithm - application area of dynamic programming - minimizing total
tardiness in a signle machine
Unit V
Algorithms to schedule processors : concept of single processor scheduling - algorithms to schedule jobs in
parallel processors - algorithms to schedule parallel processors to quide satelite launching - sheduling of
pre-emptible dependent jobs on parallel processors to minimize makespan - nuntz - coffman algorithm to minimize
Text Book
Design and Analysis of Algorithm, R.Panneerselvam, Eastern Economy Edition, PHI, New Delhi 2007
NME Internet and Web desining
Unit I
Introduction : what is the Internet - History of Internet - Internet service and Accessibility - uses of the
Intenet - protocols - web concepts - internet standards - internet protocols: Introduction - Intenet protocols
host names - Internet Application and Application protocols HTML : Introduction - SGML - Body section -Html form
Unit II
Java Network programming : Introduction - UDP/IP and TCP Communctions - I/O streams - sockets - multicast sockets
remote method inovaction - protocol handler - content handlers Java Script : Introduction - Language elements
-objects of java script - other objects VB SCript : Introduction - Embedded VBScript code in an html document
comments - variables - operator procedures - conditional statments - looping constructs - objects and vbscript
Unit III
Dyamic HTML : Introduction - cascading style sheets - DHTML document objects model and collections - Event
handling - Filters and Transitions - Data binding Extensible Mark-up Language (XML): Introduction - HTML vs
XML syntax of the XML document - XML attributes - XML validation - XML DTD building blocks of XML documents
DTD Elements - DTD attributes - DTD entities - DTD validation - XSL - XSL Transformation - XML name spaces
XML schema
Unit IV
Common gateway Interface (GUI) : Introduction - server-browser interaction - CGI script structure
CGI pm module - perl variable - CGI environment variables - processing variables - sending mail - validating
the form data - handling check boxes - server side includes (SSI) - CGI server side and client side applets
CGI security Issues Servlets: Introduction - advantages of servlets over CGI - Installing servlets - servlet
life cycle - servlet API - A simple servlet - handling http get requests - handling http post requests - cookies
session tracking - multi-tier applications using data base connectivity - servlet chaining
Unit V
Java server pages : Introduction - Advantages of JSP - Devloping first JSP - components of JSP - reading requests
information - retrieving the data posted from a html file to a jsp file - jsp sessions - cookies - disabling
sessions. Active server pages(asp) script with forms - variables and constructs - subroutines - include/virtual
asp cookies - asp objects - connecting to data with asp
Text Book
Web technology N.P.Gopalan,J.Akilandeswari PHI 2007
II BCA III Semester Syllabus
1.Introduction to object oriented programming and c++
Unit I
software crisis - software evolution - basic concepts of
object oriented
programming - benefits of oop - object oriented languages -
application of
oop - application of c++ - more c++ statments - structure of
c++ program
creating the source file - compiling and linking - tokens -
keywords -
identifiers - basic data types - user defined data types -
derived data
types - symbloic constants - type compatibility - declaration
of variables
dynamic initialization of variables - reference variables -
operators in
c++ - manipulator - type cast operator - expressions and
conversions - operator overloading - control structures - main
function prototyping - inline function - function overloading -
friend and
virtual functions.
Unit II
Specifying a class -
defining a member functions - making outside function
inline - Nesting of
member functions - private member functions - arrays
within a class - memory
allocation for object static data members - static
data member function
arrays of objects - objects as function arguments -
friendly arguements -
returning objects consent member functions pointers
pointers to members -
constructions - parameterized constructor - multiple
constructors in a class
- - constructors with default arguments - dynamic
initalization of objects -
copy constructor - constructing two dimensional
arrays -
Unit III
Defining operator overloading - overloaing -
unary operators - overloading
binary operators - overloading binary operators
using friends - multiplication
of strings using operators - rules for
overloading operators - types of conversion
defining derived classes - single
inheritence - making private member inheritable
multilevel inheritance -
multiple inheritance - hierarchical inheritance - hybrid
inheritance -
virtual base classes - constructors in derived classes - member
:nesting of classes.
Unit IV
pointer to objects this pointer -
pointers to derived classes - virtual functions
pure virtual functions - c++
stream classes unformated i/o operation - managing
output with
unit V
classes of file stream operations - opening and
closing a file - detecting
end of file - more about open() - file modes file
pointers and their manipulation
sequential input and output operations -
command line arguments. Templates:
class templates - function templates -
member function templates - Exception
handling - catching exception -
throwing exception - specifying exceptions
Text Book:
Object oriented
programming with c++ - E.Balagurusamy
Tata McGraw Hill publishing company
limited 1998
reference book
C++ the complete reference - Herbert schild
TMH 1998
3.Database management system
unit I
Introduction to DBMS :
introduction - why a database - characteristics of data
in a data base -
data base management system - why DBMS - types of database
systems. Introduction of RDBMS : Introduction - RDBMS terminology
relational data structure - relational data integrity - relational data
manipulation -codd's rules. data base architecture and data modelling :
conceptual, physical and logical database models - data base
desgin - design
constraints - functional dependencies.
Unit II
Entity - relationship(E-R) modelling - Introduction E-R model -
components of an
E-R model E-R modeling symbols. data normalization :
Introduction first normal
form (INF) - second normal form (2NF) - third
normal form (3NF) boyce - coded
normal form (BCNF) - fourth normal form
(4NF) - fifth normal form (5NF) - domain
key normal form (DKNF) -
De-normalization. Relational algebra and relational calculas
algebra - relational calculas.
Unit III
Query-by-example (QBE) :
introduction - select query in QBE - delete query - update
query - append
query - QE and SQL QUEL : Introduction - data definition in QUEL - data
retrieval in QUEL - data update operations in QUEL. Database security:
-database retrieval in QUEL - environment - data security risks
- complex user management
requirements - dimensions of data security - data
security requirements - database users
protecting the data within the
database - granting and revoking privileges and roles
data encryption -
databse integrity - system availability factors - best security
network security - authenticating users to the database - security
Unit IV
Data Integrity : Introduction - types of integrity
constraints - restrictions on integrity
constraints. Backup and Recovery:
Introduction - database backups - why paln backups - database
recovery - data
storage - causes of failures - recovery concepts and terminology - recovery
facilities - recovery techniques - detached transaction actions - recovery
in multi-database
systems - database recovery catastrophic failures. web
databases: Introduction - internet and
world wide web - accessing database
on the web - oracle 9i application server portal
Unit V
discovery in databases (kdd): introduction - knowledge discovery - knowledge
in database - basic features of KDD - advantages of KDD - phases of
KDD - KDD techniques. Data
warehouses and data marts : Introduction - data
in the data warehouse - data warehouse design
issues - OLTP vs Data
warehouse - configuration of data warehouse process - data warehouse
components - structure of data warehouse - data warehouse life cycle - the
data warehouse
environment - data architecture for data warehouse operations
- how much data? - data integration
and transformation operations - the data
integration and transformation process - technology of
of support the data
warehouse - database managment - user interfaces to the data warehouse - data
marts - advantages of data marts - types of data marts. Data mining :
introduction - what is data
mining ? - evolution of data mining - data
mining -verification vs discovery - tasks solved by data
mining - advantages
of data mining.
Text Book:
Database management systems by alexis leon
& mathews leon, leon vikas publishing , chennai 2002
3.Computer based financial accounting
Unit I
Accounting -
principles, convention - journal - ledger - subsidiary books - trial balance
final account.
Unit II
Final account of individuals - preparation
of trading, profit and loss accounts, balance sheet
Unit III
Financial statement analysis and interpretation : Accounting ratios -
solvency ratios, profitability
unit IV
Fund flow analysis -
definition, significance, limitations, steps in preparation of found flow
Unit V
Financial accounting package (tally 6.3): accounts
masters - account vouchers - accounts reports
important features of
Text Books:
1.Advanced accountancy : R.L.Gupta & radha swamy -
sulthan chand publishers 2004
2.Advanced accountancy :S.P.Jain and
L.Narang-kalyani publishers 2004
3.principles of management accounting :
Dr.S.N.Maheswari - sulthan chand & sons 2005
4.Management Accounting -
Rsn illai S.Bagavathi - s.chand co.ltd
III BCA V Semester Syallabus
1.Web Programming
Unit I
Web design issues : you don't own the resource - you don't
make the rules - designing your application - internet can
be unreliable and can change without notice - security -
international considerations. HTML : body and text commands
basic paragraph text tags - text styles - color values
hyperlinks - images - html interactions and enhancements
tables - multimedia : audio, video, applications, Frames
Unit II
Java script and the internet: what is javascript - when to
use javascript - the limitations of javascript. javascript
language : embedding javascript in html - variables and
literals - expressions and operators - control statements
and functions
unit III
Fundamentals of objects - built in objects and functions -
netscape objects - the form object - windows and frames.
javascript in internet applications: A form example -windows
example - frames example - reading the cookie file.
unit IV
VBscript : what is vbscript - what can vbscript do - learing
vbscript - security and vbscript - vbscript versus visual basic
how vbscript enhances browsers amd html - host environment
placing vbscript code within an html document - all about
variables - using operators - intrinsic operators - intrinsic
unit V
The msgbox functions - input boxes - controlling the flow of code
building a home for your code - passing arguments into procedures
were to put procedures - intrinsic html form controls - the button
controls. The VBScript application pages: metric conversion
application - interactive tutorial application - pace pal application
information submittal application - browser objects
text book:
web programming unleased -by bob breedlove et al(book 1-57521-117-3)
chapters 2,18,19,20,21,22,23,25
2.system software
unit I
Introduction to system software and machine architecture - simplified
instructional computer - traditional machines - RISC machines - assembles
basic assembler functions, machine dependent and machine independent
assemblers features - assemblers design options.
unit II
loader and linkers - basic loader functions, machine dependent and
machine independent loader features - loader design options.
Unit III
macro processors: basic macro processor functions - machine independent
macro processor features - macro processor design options.
unit IV
compilers : basic compiler functions - machine independent compiler
features - compiler design options
unit V
other system software : database managements systems - text editors
interactive debugging systems
Text Book :
1.System software An introduction to system programming by
leland l.beck Addison -wesley publication
chapters 1-5, 7 ( without implementation examples)
3.principles of costing
Unit I
definition of costing - important use of costing - objects and
advanteages of costing - difference between cost and financial
accounts - installation of costing system - analysis and classification
of costs - preparation of cost sheet.
Unit II
materials : maintenance of stores and records, minimum level, reorder
level, economic ordering quantity - prepetual inventory.
Unit III
methods of remunerating labor : incentive schemes
Accounting of overheads : fixed and variable overheads - allocation
apportionment and absorption of overheads
unit IV
Budget and budgetary control : objects and advantages and limitations
functional budgets - flexible budget and cash budget - preparation
Unit V
marginal costing : meaning, objects and advantages and limitations
break even point (simple problem only)
text books :
1.cost accounting - s.P. jain & k.l.narang - kalyani publishers 2005
part 1,2,5.2,5.4
2.cost accounting - R.S.N.Pillai & bhagavathy - s chand company ltd 2004
chapter 1,2,3,4,7,8,10,21,22
3.cost accounting - khanna pandey & anujha 1991
page 1 to 166, 427 to 515, 586 to 631
4.Computer graphics
unit I
Application of computer graphics - video display device - raster scan
systems - graphics monitor - input devices - hard copy devices
unit II
output primitives : points and lines - DDA and Bresenhams line algorithm
circle generating algorithm - ellipse generating algorithm - other curves
pixels - addressing - filled area primitives - character generator
unit III
Attributes of output primitives : line attributes - curver attributes
color - levels area - fill attributes - character attributes - bundled
attributed - in query functions - antialiasing methods
unit Iv
geometntric transformations : translation - rotation - scaling
matrix representations and homogeneous coordinates - composites
transformation - reflection and shear
unit V
the viewing pipeline - viewing coordinate reference frame - window
to - view port coordinte transformation - viewing functions - clipping
functions - point clipping - line clipping - polygon clipping - curve
clipping - text clipping - exterior clipping
text book
computer graphics - donald hearn and M.pauline baker - PHI, second edition
chapters 1,2,3,4,5.1-5.4 , 6
I BCA I Semester Syallabus
1.Discrete Mathematics
Unit I
set theory & relations - Introduction - sets - venn - euler diagrams
operation on sets - properties of set operations - verification of
basic laws of algebra - principle of duality, relations - operation
on relations - equivalence relation - closure and warshall's algorithm
partitions and equivalence classes
Unit II
Functions & mathematical induction - Functions and operators - one -one
onto functions - special type of functions - invertible functions
compositions of functions. Techniques of proofs - mathematical induction
Unit III
Recurrence relations & Generating functions - Recurrence - an introduction
polynomial and their relations - solutions of finite order homogeneous
relations - solution of non-homogeneous relations - generating functions
primitive recursive function
Unit IV
matrix algebra - Introduction - operations - inverse, rank of matrix -
solution of simultenous linear equations - eigen values and eigen vectors
Unit V
Graph theory - basic concepts - matrix representations of graphs - trees
spanning tree - shortest path problem
Discrete mathematics - Dr.M.Venkatraman, Dr.N.Sridharan & N.Chandrasekara
The National publishing
2.Programming with C
Unit I
Overview of C: History of C - Importance of C - Basic structure of c
programming style - constants, variables and data types - declaration
of variables, storage class - defining symbolic constants - declaring
a variable as constant, volatile - overflow and underflow of data.
operators and expressions: arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment
operators - increment and decrement operators, conditional operators
bitwise operators, special operators - arithmetic expression - evaluation
of expressions - precedence of arithmetic operators - type conversions
in expressions - operator precedence and associativity - mathematical
functions - managining i/o operations: reading and writing a character
formatted input,output. decision making and branching: if statement
if..else statment - nesting of if.. else statement - elseif ladder -
switch statement - the ?: operator - goto statement
Unit II
Control statements : The while statement - do statement - the for
statement - jumps in loops. Arrays: one dimensional array - declaration
initialisation - two dimensional array - multidimensional array - dynamic
arrays - initialisations. Strings: declaration, initialisation of string
variables - reading and writing string - arithmetic operations on strings
putting strings together - comparison - string handling function - table
of strings - features of string
Unit III
user defined functions : need - multi function program - elements of user
defined function - definition - return values and their types - function
calls. declaration, category - all types of arguments and return values
nesting of functions - recursion - passing arrays, string to functions
scope visibility and life time of variables - multi file programs,
structures and unions : defining a structure - declaring structure variables
accessing structure members - initialisation - copying and comparing
operation on individual members - arrays of structures - arrays within
structures - structures and functions - unions - size of structures -
bit fields
Unit IV
pointers : accessing the address of a variable - declaring, initialisation
of pointer variables - accessing a variable through its pointer - chain of
pointers - pointer expressions - pointer increment and scale factors -
pointers and arrays - pointers and chracter strings - array of pointers
pointers as function arguments - function returning pointers - pointers
to functions - pointers and structures. Files: defining, opening, closing
a file. I/O operations on files - error handling during i/o operations -
random access to file - command line arguments
Unit V
VDU basics - keyboard basics - interaction with hardware through C -
operations on bits - grphics programming.
Text Books
1.Programming in ANSI C, E.Balagurusamy, Edition3, Tata Mcgraw hill pub
company 2005
2.Let us C - Yashwant Kanetkar - BPB publications
III MCA V Semester Syallabus
1.Multimedia systems
Unit I
Introduction to multimedia - element of multimedia systems - need for a multimedia
system components - converging technology - functions and subsystems - input development
Unit II
Multimedia platforms - PCs for multimedia - multimedia hardware - system software
development tools - platform compatibility - hypertext and hypermedia - commercial tools -
authoring tools - script - standards.
Unit III
Image - image and application - image capture - image compression - text conversion
vectorisation - standards for encoding and compressing images - audio- applications
audio capture - music on computer - voice on computer - compression and standards
video applications - video capture - real time video - compression and standards
Unit IV
storage system for multimedia -magnetic media - optical media - WORM - CD - ROM
multimedia databases - component object computing - file servers - database servers
video servers - fax servers.
Unit V
multimedia production and planning - production of multimedia computer based applications
planning the components of a multimedia application - product testing - revising and
documentation - packaging and distributing a multimedia application
Text books:
1.Judith jaffcoats, multimedia in practice - technology and applications, prentice hall
of india, 1998
2.John.villamil, casanova louis molina, multimedia production, planning and deliver
prentice hall of india
2.Neural networks and application
Unit I: Introduction
Introduction to artificial neural system (ANS) - elementary neurophysiology - from neurons
to ANS - ANS simulation - adaline and madaline - adaline and the adaptive linear combiner
applications of adaptive signal processing - the madaline - simulating the adaline -
perceptron - linear separability - pereceptron - learning
Unit II : Feed Forward Networks
back propagation - the backpropagation network - the generalized delta rule - practical
consideration - BPN applications - backpropagation simulator
Unit III Associative memory and statistical methods
Introduction - associative - memory - definitions - The BAM - The hopfied memory
simulating the BAM - simulated Annealing - information theory and statistical mechanics
The boltzmann machine - the boltzmann simulator - using the boltzmann simulator
unit IV counter propagation and SOM
The counter - propagation network (CPN) - CPN building blocks - CPN data processing
An image classification example - The CPN simulator - self organizing maps (SOM) - SOM
Data processing - Application of self - organizing maps - simulating the SOM
Unit V Adaptive Resonance Theory and Neocognitron
Adaptive resonance theory (ART) - ART network description - ART1 - ART2 - The
ART1 simulator - ART2 simulation - spatio- temporal pattern classification - the formal
a valanche - Architecture of spatio - temporal networks (STNS) - the sequential -
competitive a valanche field - applications of STNS - STN simulation - The neocognitron
-Neocognitron architecture - neocognitron data processing - performance of the neocognitron
addition of lateral inhibition and feedback to the neocognitron
Text book
James A.Freeman and David M.Skapura - Neural networks: Algorithms, Applications and
programming techniques, addison wesley publishing company, 1991.
3.Advanced java technology
Unit I
review of the java programming language - classes - objects - methods - constructors
inheritance - exception handling - threads - file and i/o streams - string handling
windows programming - applets
Unit II
Graphics and multimedia with java - networking with java.net package - distributed
computing with java - RMI - java and CORBA.
Unit III
java virtual machine: java architecture - platform independence - security - network
mobility - the java virtual machine architecture - the java class file
Unit IV
java beans - overview - jar files - software component architecture - java bean design
signatures - java beans and events - java bean persistence - building custom component
editors for java beans - beans and related APIs
Unit V
java servlets - introduction to servlets - deficiencies of CGI - servlet API goals -
servlet API overview - servlet API - writing servlets: simple servlet - handling html
JDBC : what is JDBC ? - interfaces and classes - mapping SQL datatypes to java data
types - JDBC metadata capabilities
Text Books
1.Ken Arnold and james Gosling, The java programming language, Addison wesley, second
edtion 1998
4.computer security
unit I
security problem in computing: characteristics of computers in intrusion - kinds of
security breaches - points of security vulnerability - methods of defence - controls
effectiveness of controls - plan of attack encryption
Unit II
Basic encryption and secryption
mono alphabetic ciphers - polyalphabetic substitution - transpositions - fractionated
morse - stream and block ciphers - chracteristics of good ciphers - secure encryption
systems - public key system - single key system - data encryption standard (DES) - revest
seamir - adelman(RSA) encryption
Unit III
security involving programs and operating systems: information access problems -
program development controls - operating system controls in use of programs administration
controls. protection services for users of operating system - protected objects and
method of protection - file protection mechanism - user athentication
Unit IV
Data base and network security: security requirements for data base - reliability
and integrity - sensitive data - inference problem - multilevel databases - network security
issues - encryption in networking - access control - user authentication - local area
networks - multilevel security of network
Unit V
Communication and security : communication charcteristics - communication media - loss
of integrity - wire tapping - electronic mail secrity - ip security - web security - intruders
viruses - worms - fire walls.
text books:
1.Charles p.fleeger,security in computing, prentice hall, 1989.
2.William stallings, cryptography and network security principles and practice, prentice
hall 1998
unit I
Introduction : What is e-com = anatomy of E-commerce application - E-com application
business of intercommercialization : ISPS - Internet connectivity option.
Unit II
EDI : Electronic payment system : types digital token. small cards. creadit cards. risk
electronic data interchange : Application, legal security and privacy issues.
Unit III
Internet protocol suite: digital copyright - Digital cash - digital signature. software
agents. layers and networking - ip suite desktop. tcp/ip forms of ip. mobile tcp/ip
multicast ip. next generation ip
Unit IV
perl and CGI : perl - data types - statements - i/o built-in-function - regular expression
subroutines - object oriented programming CGI : programming with perl.
Unit V
IT Enaabled service : medical, legal transcription - mobile computing - call center services
Text Book
1.Frontiers of Electronic Commerce - Kala kota & whinston - addision - wesley 1999
2.E-commerce - the cutting edge of business, bajaj k.k.TMH 1999
II BCA lab cycle programs
Lab 3: Object oriented programming with c++
1.To perform area calculation using funciton overloading ( min three functions)
2.To perform string manipulation using function overloading
3.To demonstrate the concept of friend function
4.To swap two values between two class object using friend function
5.To find minimum of two numbers between two class objects using friend function
6.To overload unary minus operator which changes sign of given vector
7.To overload bianry + operator which adds two complex numbers
8.implementation of mathematical operations on strings { overload two operators + and <=} 9.To demonstrate single inheritance of a public data member and private data member 10.To process students mark list using multiple inheritance 11.To process employee details using hierarchical inheritance 12.To process inventory details using multilevel inheritence 13.To process family details using hybrid inheritance 14.To illustrate the use of virtual base class 15.To process electricity billing using binary file 16.To process mark listing using binary file 17.searching using c++ 18.sorting using c++ 19.To handle exceptions 20.To illustrate use of class templates 21.To illustrate use of function templates
Lab 4: Database management system Lab
1.DDL Commands illustration
2.DML Commands illustration
1.Program using conditional control, iterative controls and sequential controls
2.program using exception handling
3.program using explicit cursors and implicit cursors
4.program using pl/sql tables and record
5.program using database triggers
6.program to design procedures using in,out,inout parameter
7.program to design procedures using recursion
8.program to design procedures using packages
I BCA lab cycle programs
Lab 1: C Programming
1. To find sum of digits of a number
2. To reverse a given number and check if it is a palindrome
3. To evaluate sine series
4. To find the nth fibonacci number
5. To check if a number is prime number or not
6. To sort an array
7. To count the occurrences of a number in a set
8. To check if a no is adam number
9. To reverse a given string and check if it is a palindrome
10.To find factoral value, fibonacci, GCD value using recursion
11.To add and subtract two matrices
12.To multiply two matrices
13.To find row wise sum of a matrix of order m x n
14.To solve quadratic equation - switch
15.To perform binary search using function
16.To find ncr and npr values using function
17.To calculate mean, variance and standard deviation using function
18.To prepare pay bill - structure
19.To prepare mark sheet - structure
20.To perform inventory calculations - structure
21.To demonstrate the use of bitwise operators
22.To prepare mark sheet - file
23.To prepare EB Bill - File
24.Interaction with keyboard - turn on the caps lock key
25.Interaction with video memory - fill the video memory with different colored 'a'
26.draw a house using graphical functions
27.Animate a picture
MCA internal practical training and
examination schedule
The internal practical training and practical examination
are scheduled from 16.11.2009 at 11.00 am to 5.00 pm for
the MCA students
Practical training
(attendance (10) + test(20) + record (10) =40)
Internal practical exam
24.11.2009-----------Advanced java
---------------------visual basic
Note: All the MCA students are asked to submit the
record note on or before 24.11.2009
Lab 9 Networks Lab cycle
1. File transfer using RS232C interface
2. File transfer using IPX/SPX utilities
3. File transfer using TCP/IP
4. Remote command execution
5. program to find the shortest path in a network
6. program on encryption and decryption techniques
7. program on data compression techniques
8. simulation of HDLC protocol
9. simulation of x.25 protocol
Lab 10 Advanced Java technology Lab cycle
1.Animation with java applet
2.design of GUI front end with AWT and / or swing classes
3.design of simple chat program
4.working with multimedia data-image and audio files
5.Accessing remote object methods using RMI for simple application
6.design of component based application with beans
7.design of a sales order entry form with servlets
8.order processing using JDBC
9.payroll application using JDBC
10.Inventory application using JDBC
Lab 5 Multimedia Lab cycle
1.Creating a sampe image
2.Editing existing image's brightness, mode color and add and edit layer style
3.stitch and edit two images into single image. use selection tools lasso tool, clone stamp
4.study about timeline concepts. use audio in the movie
5.study masking, concepts. use audio in the movie.
6.add buttons, menus and actions to the movie
7.Export movie. use multiple scenes
8.Insert text, image, sprite to the movie
9.Add effects to the text ( predefined and user defined)
10.Export movie to html, gif, flash formats
11.Create simple 3D animation and export
Lab 6 Java Programming Lab
1.Arrays and Flow-control statements
2.single inheritance
3.multiple inheritance
4.Run time exception and i/o exception
5.package creation
7.File creation
8.GUI components ( label, checkbox, menus, texts etc)
9.Event handling (Focus events, Key events, Paint events, text events, mouse events
windows events etc..)
10.Animation and images
11.designing web pages using java applet
12.designing web pages with CGI Programming (java script, perl, VB script)
13.designing web pages using static HTML
14.Implementing a simple html browser using java
15.designing web page that access a database via JDBC
1 Java Programming
Unit I
The genesis of java: java's lineage - The creation of java
Why java is important to the internet - java's magic - the java buzzwords
the continuing resolution. An overview of java : object oriented
programming - simple program - if statement - for loop - using blocks
of code - lexical issues - java class libraries - data types - variables
Unit II
operators - selection statments - iteration statements- jump statements
class fundamentals - declaring objects - assigning object reference variables
introducing methods - constructors - this keyword - garbage collection - finalize()
method - overloading methods - using object as parameters - argument passing
returning objects - recursion - access control - static - final - nested and inner
classes - single class - command line arguments
Unit III
Inheritance - using super - multilevel hierarchy - when constructors are called
method overloading - dynamic method dispatch - using abstract classes - using
final with inheritance - object class - packages - access protection - important
packages - interfaces
Unit IV
Exception handling fundamentals - exception types - uncaught exceptions - using
try and catch - multiple try clauses - nested try statments - throw - throws
finally - built in exceptions - creating own sub subclasses - using exceptions
Multithread programming : thread model - main thread - creating a thread - multiple
thread - isAlive and join - thread priorities - synchronization - inter thread
communication - suspending, resuming, stopping threads - multithreading
Unit V
String handling : string constructors - string length - special string operations
character extraction - string comparison - searching strings - modifying a string
data conversion using valueof() - changing the case of characters within a string
string buffer - i/o : java i/o classes and interfaces - file - stream classes -
byte streams - chracter streams - using string i/o - serialization - stream
benefits - applet basics - skeleton - display methods - requesting repainting
using the status window - html applet tag - passing parameters to applets
Text Book
The complete Reference Java 2, Patrick Naughton , Herbert schildt, Tata
McGraw Hill fifth edition 2006
2 Computer Graphics
Unit I
Introduction to computer graphics and applications - display devices - raster
scan - and random scan system - input devices - graphics software and
Unit II
Output primitives : Line - drawing, circle generating, ellipse generating
algorithms - filled area primitives - character generation
Unit III
Attributes of output primitives : line, curve, ara-fill, character, text
marker and bundled attributes - inquiry function - antialiasing techniques
Unit IV
Geometric transformations and viewing : Basic transformations - homogenous
coordinates - composite transformations - reflection and shear - window-to-view
port transformation - viewing functions - point, line, polygon, curve, text
exterior clipping operations
Unit V
GUI and Input Methods : The user dialogue - graphical input devices - input
functions - Interactive picture - construction techniques - virtual reality
Text Book
Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker "computer Graphics C version", Second
Indian Reprint 2003 , pearson Education
Reference Book
Schaum's outline of computer graphics, Roy A plastock, Zhigang Xiang, Tata
McGraw Hill 2001
3 Principles of costing
unit I
Definition of costing - Important use of costing - objects and advantages of
costing - difference between cost and financial accounts - Installation of
costing system - analysis and classification of costs - preparation of cost
Unit II
Materials : Maintenance of stores and records, minimum level, reorder level
economic ordering quantity - perpetual inventory
Unit III
a.Methods of remunerating labor : incentive schemes -
b.Accounting of overheads : Fixed and variable overheads - Allocation
Apportionment and absorption of overheads
unit IV
Budget and budgetary control : Objectives and advantages and limitations
break even point
Text Book
1.Cost accounting - s.p.jain and K.L.Narang - kalyani publishers 2005
2.Cost accounting - r.s.n.pillai and bhagavathy - s.chand company ltd 2004
3.Cost accounting - khanna pandy & anujha 1991
1 Software Engineering
Unit I
Introduction to software engineering - Introduction - What is a good
software engineering - components of software engineering -software
developed models - comparative analysis of process models
Software estimation size effort and cost : software metrices introduction
metrices database - FPA and mark II FPA Tool for estimation - case
Illustration - estimation of effort and schedule - COCOMO -software
cost estimation
Unit II
Software risk management : risk and risk management - Introduction to
software risk - software risk management - risk mitigation through RMMM
plan - analysis of SEI software risk Taxonomy
Quality engineering for software quality assurance: quality - ISO 9001
standard - software quality and assurance - testing technique for SQA
test case design - software testing strategies. Software Engineering
Tools : Software engineering tools introduction - analysis tools - modeling
representation - requirements engineering - work breakdown structure
prototyping - CASE tools
Unit III
System analysis : System - system modeling - structured system analysis -
software requirement specification - Information systems
System design : designing system introduction - the design development
process - data structure and database design - system design architecture
systems - behaviour design - architecure and choices - architecure and Non
functional requirements -design specification documentation
Unit IV
Introduction to database design : Introduction to database - the relational
data models - relational database design - distributed databases - database
management tools - Selection of RDBMS user interface design : user interface
user interface analysis and design - Improving effectiveness of UI - Guidelines
for designing UI components
Unit V
Procedural design and use of reusable components : procedural design - structured
programming - reusable code - component based software engineering - program verification
testing for software quality : testing for quality - functional testing - system
testing - user satisfaction testing - testcases and test plans
Text Book
Software Engineering principles and practice by Waman S.Jawedekar, TM publishing
company Ltd New Delhi 2005
Software Engineering - principles and practice - Waman S.Jawedekar, TMH 2005
2 Database Techniques
Unit I
Database system applications - purpose of database systems - view of data- database
languages - relational databases - database design - object based and structured
databases - data storage and quering - transaction management - data mining and
analysis - database architecture - database users and administrator history of
database systems
Relational model:
Structrue of relational databases - fundamental relational algebra operation
additional relational algebra operations - extended relational algebra operations
null values - modification of the database
Other relational languages
The tuple relational calculas - The domain relational calculas - Query example
Unit II
Database Design and E-R Model
Overview of the design process - The entity relationship model - constrained entity
relationship diagrams - entity - relationship design issues - weak entity extended
E-R features - Database design for banking enterprise - reduction relational schemas
other aspects of database design - the unified model - language UML
Relational database design
Features of Good relational designs - atomic domains and first normal form - decomposition
using function dependencies - functional - dependency theory - decomposition using
functional dependencies - decomposition using multivalued dependencies - more normal
forms - database design process - modeling temporal data
Unit III
Application Design and Devlopment
User interfaces and tools - web interfaces to databases - web fundamentals - servlets
and JSP - building large web applications - triggers - authorization in SQL - application
Object based Databases
Overview - complex data types - structured types and inheritance in SQL - table inheritance
array and multiset types in sql - object -identity and reference -types in sql
implementing O-R features - Persistent programming languages - object oriented versus
object - relational
Unit IV
Storage and File structure
overview of physical storage media - magnetic disk - RAID - tertiary storage - storage
access - file organization - organization of records in files - data dictionary storage
Indexing and Hasing
Basic concepts - ordered indices - B+ - Tree index files - multiple - key access
static hashing - dynamic hashing - comparison of ordered indexing and hashing
bit map indices - indexed definition in SQL
Unit V
Transaction concept - transaction state - implementation of atomicity and
concurrent executions - serializability - recoverability - testing of serializability
Concurrency control
Lock based protocols - timestamp - based protocols - validation - based protocol
multiple granularity - multiversion schemes - deadlock handling - insert and delete
operations - weak levels of consistency - concurrency in index structures
Recovery system:
Failure classification - storage structure - recovery and atomicity - log based
recovery - recovery with concurrent transactions - buffer management - failure with
loss of nonvolatile storage - advanced recovery techniques - remote back systems
text Book
Database system concepts - fifth edition, Abraham silberschatz, Henry S.Sudarshan
Essentials of Database Management systems, Alexis Leon, mathews leonm Nicole
3 System Software
Unit I
Introduction to system software and machine architecture - simplified instructional
computer - traditional machines - RISC machines
Assemblers: Basic assembler functions, machine dependent and machine independent
assemblers features - assemblers design options
Unit II
Loader and Linkers: Basic loader functions, machine dependent and machine independent
loader features - loader design options
Unit III
Macro processors - basic macro processor functions - machine independent macro
processor features - macro processor design options
Unit IV
Compilers : Basic compiler functions - machine independent compiler features
compiler design opetions
Unit V
Other system software - database management systems - text editor - interactive
debugging systems
Text Book
System software An Introduction to system programming by leland L.Beck, Addison
wesley publications 2005
System programming and operating systems, Dhamdhere, Tata McGraw Hill 2006
4 Web Technology
Unit I
Introduction - what is the internet - history of internet - internet service
and accessibiity - uses of the internet - protocols - web concepts - internet
standard - internet protocols: Introduction - internet protocols - host names
internet application and application protocols HTML : Introduction - SGML-body
section - HTML form
unit II
Java Network programming : Introduction - UDP/IP and TCP communication - I/O streams
sockets - multicast sockets - remote method invocation - protocol handler - content
handler java script: Introduction - language elements - objects of java script - other
objects VB Script : Introduction - Embedding VB script code in an HTML document
comments - variables - operator procedures - conditional statements - looping
constructs - objects and VBScript cookies
Unit III
Dynamic HTML : Introduction - cascading style sheets - DHTML document objects model
and collections - Event handling - filters and transistions - data binding extensible
markup language (XML) : Introduction - HTML vs XML syntax of XML document - XML attributes
XML validation - XML DTD building blocks of XML documents - DTD elements - DTD attributes
DTD entities - DTD validation - XSL - XSL transformation - XML Name spaces -XML schema
Unit IV
Common Gateway Interface (CGI): Introduction - server - Browswer interaction - CGI
script structure - CGI pm module - perl variable - CGI environment variables
processing variables - sending mail - vaidating the form data - hanlding checkboxes
server side inclue(SSI) - CGI server side and client side applets - CGI security
issues - servlets : Introduction - Advantages of servlets over CGI - Installing
servlets - servlet life cycle - servlet API - A simple servlet - handling HTTP get
requests - handling HTTP post requests - cookies - session tracking - multi-tier
application using database connectivity - servlet chaining
Unit V
Java server pages: Introduction - Advantages of JSP - developing first JSP - components
of JSP - reading requests information - retrieving the data posted from a HTML file to a
JSP file - JSP sessions - cookies - disabling sessions active server pages (ASP)
introduction - Advantages of using Asp - First Asp Script - processing of ASP scripts
with forms - variables and constructs - subroutines - include/virtual - Asp cookies
Asp objects - connecting to data with ASP
Text Book
Web technology N.P Gopalan, J.Akilandeswari PHI 2007
Reference :
Web technologies : TCP/IP to internet Application architectures Achyut.S Godbole
Atul Kahate, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005