Unit I
Starting a new project- the properties of window – common form properties – scalable properties – color properties – making a form responsive – printing a visual – representation of a form – types – creating stand – alone windows programs – the tool box – creating controls – the name (control name) property – properties of command buttons – simple event procedures for command buttons – access keys – image controls – text boxes – labels – navigating between controls – message boxes – the grid – the ASCII representation of forms.
Unit II
Statements in visual basic – variables – setting properties with code – data types – working with variables – more on strings – more on numbers – constants – input boxes – displaying information on a form – the format function – picture boxes – rich text boxes – the printer object – determination loops – indeterminate loops – making decisions – select case – nested if –then’s – the goto – string functions – numeric functions – date and time functions – financial functions.
Unit III
Function procedures – sub procedures – advanced uses of procedures and functions – using the object browser to navigate among your sub programs – List: one dimensional arrays – arrays with more than one dimensional – using lists and arrays with functions and procedures –new array based strings - records (user-defined types)
Unit IV
The with statements – enums –control arrays – list and combo boxes – Flex grid control – code modules ; global procedures – the do events function and sub main accessing windows function – Error trapping – creating and object in Visual basic – building your own classes.
Unit V
Fundamentals of graphics – screen scales – the line and shape controls – graphics via code – line and boxes – circles , ellipses and pie – charts . the mouse event procedures – dragging and dropping operations – file commands – sequential files – random access files – binary files – file system controls – file system objects – the clip board – running another window program from within.
Text Book
Visual programming 6 from the ground up , gray cornell , tata Mcgraw hill edition 1999
Reference books
1.guide to visual basic 6 techmedia – peter norton’s and michael groh 1998
2.visual basic – paul sheriff PHI 1999
3.Mastering visual Basic 6 – Evangelus petroutsos TMH 1999
2.Data structures and computer algorithms
Unit I
Divide and conquer : the general method – binary search – finding the maximum and minimum – mergesort – quicksort – selection – strassen’s matrix – multiplication.
Greedy method : the general method – optimal storage on tapes – knapsack problem – job sequencing with deadlines – optimal merge patterns – minimum spanning tree – single source shortest paths.
Unit II
Dynamic programming : the general method – multistage graphs – all pairs shortest paths – optimal binary search trees – 0/1 kanpsack reliability design the travelling salesman – flow shop scheduling .
Unit III
Introduction – running time calculation – a simple example – general rule – solution for the maximum subsequences sum problem – logarithms in the running time – checking your analysis – the grain of salt.
Unit IV
Lists , stacks and queues : The list ADT : simple array implementation of lists programming details – common errors – doubly linked lists – circularity linked lists – examples – cursor implementation of linked lists. The stack ADT: stack model – implementation of stacks – applications. The queue ADT: queue model – array implementation of queues – application of queues.
Unit V
Trees : Basic terminology – binary trees – representations – binary tree traversal – more on binary trees – threaded binary trees – binary tree representation of tree – application of trees – counting binary trees
Text Books
1.Fundamentals of data structrues – ellis horowitz, sartaj sahni, galgottia publications 1998
2.Fundamentals of computer algorithms – Ellis horowitz , sartaj sahni, galgottia publiations pvt.ltd new delhi
3.Data structure and algorithm analysis in C-mark allen weiss – second edition addison wesley publishing company 1997
3.Operating System
Unit I
Introduction – definition – mainframe – multiprocessor, Distributed, clustered , real time , hand held systems – i/o and storage structure – hardware protected – network structure – system components – system services, calls, programs , structure – system design , implementation and generation.
Unit II
Process management : process concepts, scheduling , operations – co operating process – inter-process communication in client server systems - multithreading models and issues – windows 2000 and java threads – CPU scheduling criteria and algorithms – multi processor and real time scheduling – algorithm evaluation – process scheduling in windows 2000
Unit III
Process synchronization – critical section problem – synchronization hardware – semaphores – classic problems – critical regions – monitor – synchronization windows 2000 – deadlock characterization, prevention. Avoidance and detection – recovery from deadlock.
Unit IV
Storage management – swapping – contiguous memory allocation – paging – segmentation – segmentation with paging – demand paging – process creation – page replacement – allocation of frames – thrashing – implementation of virtual memory in windows NT – file concepts and access methods – directory structure and implementation – allocation methods – free space mangement.
Unit V
I/O systems and case study : disk structure , scheduling and management – swap space management – case study : windows 2000
Text Book
Operating system concepts – silberschartz A, Galvin P.B, Gagne G- sixth Editiion 2002 , john wiley & sons
Reference Book
Operating system concepts and design – milan milankovic – Tat McGraw Hill 1997
4.Unix and shell programming
Unit I
Introduction – unix for beginners – the file system
Unit II
using the shell – filters
Unit III
Shell programming – programming with standard i/o
Unit IV
Unix system calls
Unit V
Program development – document preparation
Text Book
The unix programming environment – Brain Kernighan Rob pike – pearson
Education – 2003
Reference Book
Introducing unix system V – Rachel Morgan, Henry McGilton – McGrawHill
International editions
MADURAI - 2Final Year M.C.A / BCAProject Report ContentsM.K.U Evening College Logo with Project title, Student name, Rengo, Guide nameM.K.U Evening College Bonafied Certificate.
Company Certificate
Company Attendance Certificate (From Dec 1 to May 30, 6 months)DeclarationAcknowledgementContents
1.1 About the Organization1.2 System requirement specification
1.2.1 objective
1.2.2 purpose
1.2.3 scope
1.2.4 overview
1.2.5 functionality’s
1.2.6 performance requirements
2.SYSTEM ANALYSIS2.1 Project Introduction2.2 Feasibility Study
2.2.1 Economical feasibility
2.2.2 Technical feasibility
2.2.3 Operational feasibility
2.2.4 Initial investigation
2.2.5 Existing System
2.2.6 Proposed System
2.2.7 Benefits of Proposed System
2.2.8 Limitations of Proposed System
3.DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (should not exceed 10 pages)3.1 Software and Hardware Requirements
1.1 About the Organization1.2 System requirement specification
1.2.1 objective
1.2.2 purpose
1.2.3 scope
1.2.4 overview
1.2.5 functionality’s
1.2.6 performance requirements
2.SYSTEM ANALYSIS2.1 Project Introduction2.2 Feasibility Study
2.2.1 Economical feasibility
2.2.2 Technical feasibility
2.2.3 Operational feasibility
2.2.4 Initial investigation
2.2.5 Existing System
2.2.6 Proposed System
2.2.7 Benefits of Proposed System
2.2.8 Limitations of Proposed System
3.DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (should not exceed 10 pages)3.1 Software and Hardware Requirements
3.2Programming Environment4. SYSTEM DESIGN4.1 System Diagram
4.2 Data Flow Diagram
4.3 Table Design
4.4 Normalization
4.5 Modular design
4.6 Data Dictionary
4.7 Inputs and Output Design
5. CODING STYLE5.1 file naming and organization
5.2 file suffices6.TESTING6.1 Unit Testing
6.2 Module Testing
6.3 Integrated Testing
Entity relationship diagram
Format of Front Page/First Page
Project TitleProject report submitted to the
in the partial fulfillment for
the award of the degree ofMASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS
Submitted by
Student name
(Reg No: )
Under the guidance of
G.N.Sujeer M.Sc.M.Phil
MKU logo
Madurai Kamaraj University
Evening College
Madurai - 2
2007 - 2010
Format of Bonafide Certificate
This is to certify that the project work entitled " project title " is the bonafied record of work done by student name (Reg.No : ) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS during the academic year 2007 - 2010.
4.2 Data Flow Diagram
4.3 Table Design
4.4 Normalization
4.5 Modular design
4.6 Data Dictionary
4.7 Inputs and Output Design
5. CODING STYLE5.1 file naming and organization
5.2 file suffices6.TESTING6.1 Unit Testing
6.2 Module Testing
6.3 Integrated Testing
Entity relationship diagram
Format of Front Page/First Page
Project TitleProject report submitted to the
in the partial fulfillment for
the award of the degree ofMASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS
Submitted by
Student name
(Reg No: )
Under the guidance of
G.N.Sujeer M.Sc.M.Phil
MKU logo
Madurai Kamaraj University
Evening College
Madurai - 2
2007 - 2010
Format of Bonafide Certificate
This is to certify that the project work entitled " project title " is the bonafied record of work done by student name (Reg.No : ) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS during the academic year 2007 - 2010.
(G.N.Sujeer M.Sc. M.Phil)
Submitted for Viva - Voce Examination held at Madurai Kamaraj University Evening college on ______________.
All of you submitting the same software specification. So change
individually. Give one page description for How III MCA students
(Programmers) spend their time. Give the confirmation letter
from the company on or before 21.1.2010.A7700100 S.Dhana Lakshmi: Terminal management system title is selected
Give the software description ... and company details...
What are the administrative process to manage ships
What are limitations for SSDL.
Why you selected C#.net,MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.netA7700101S.Jenny:A NOVEL & EFFICIENT APPROACH FOR NEAR DUPLICATE PAGE DETECTION IN WEB CRAWLING title is selectedhow to detect a web page
Why you selected C#.net MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.net
Relation based page rank algorithm for semantic
web search engines title is previously selected.
What is the difference between your title and google.
Why you selected C#.net,MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.net
A7700103M.Anantha subramanian: Reversible watermarking for
knowledge digest embedding and reliability control
In this title why specifically mentioned medical
Why you selected C#.net S-SQL server, IIS and asp.netA7700104E.Chanthru:L Mobile medicine : providing drug related
information natural language queries.
What is the difference between doctor's medicine and
mobile medicine.
Why you selected C#.net S-SQL server, IIS and asp.netA7700105V.R.G.Dinesh Babu:
: "Anti-money laundering system(A.M.L.S.)" title is selected.
What are the limitations of AML Software
Spam blocker title is selected. What's
the difference between yahoo spam blocker and your project
Why you selected C#.net,MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.netA7700106M.Dinesh Kumar:Girid video A practical example of
non scientific application on the grid title is selected.
In this title what meant by non-scientific. Why you
selected C#.net, MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.netA7700107M.Mohamed Farook Badhusha: Fuzzy control title is selected
The title should be in specific.A7700108T.Pandi Murugan: Credit card fraud detection title is selected
how many types of credit card.
Why you selected C#.net MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.net
A7700109B.Senthur pandian: "D.A.R.T"(Daily Activity Report Tool)
title is selected.
Give the company details....What is meant by tool?
What are the tools available... give the details...
Which device used for taking finger print.
Why you selected C#.net MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.netA1724055L.Jegan : Web Crawling (late submission)
which technolgy and method used for collecting data from website
Why you selected C#.net MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.net
(G.N.Sujeer M.Sc. M.Phil)
Submitted for Viva - Voce Examination held at Madurai Kamaraj University Evening college on ______________.
All of you submitting the same software specification. So change
individually. Give one page description for How III MCA students
(Programmers) spend their time. Give the confirmation letter
from the company on or before 21.1.2010.A7700100 S.Dhana Lakshmi: Terminal management system title is selected
Give the software description ... and company details...
What are the administrative process to manage ships
What are limitations for SSDL.
Why you selected C#.net,MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.netA7700101S.Jenny:A NOVEL & EFFICIENT APPROACH FOR NEAR DUPLICATE PAGE DETECTION IN WEB CRAWLING title is selectedhow to detect a web page
Why you selected C#.net MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.net
Relation based page rank algorithm for semantic
web search engines title is previously selected.
What is the difference between your title and google.
Why you selected C#.net,MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.net
A7700103M.Anantha subramanian: Reversible watermarking for
knowledge digest embedding and reliability control
In this title why specifically mentioned medical
Why you selected C#.net S-SQL server, IIS and asp.netA7700104E.Chanthru:L Mobile medicine : providing drug related
information natural language queries.
What is the difference between doctor's medicine and
mobile medicine.
Why you selected C#.net S-SQL server, IIS and asp.netA7700105V.R.G.Dinesh Babu:
: "Anti-money laundering system(A.M.L.S.)" title is selected.
What are the limitations of AML Software
Spam blocker title is selected. What's
the difference between yahoo spam blocker and your project
Why you selected C#.net,MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.netA7700106M.Dinesh Kumar:Girid video A practical example of
non scientific application on the grid title is selected.
In this title what meant by non-scientific. Why you
selected C#.net, MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.netA7700107M.Mohamed Farook Badhusha: Fuzzy control title is selected
The title should be in specific.A7700108T.Pandi Murugan: Credit card fraud detection title is selected
how many types of credit card.
Why you selected C#.net MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.net
A7700109B.Senthur pandian: "D.A.R.T"(Daily Activity Report Tool)
title is selected.
Give the company details....What is meant by tool?
What are the tools available... give the details...
Which device used for taking finger print.
Why you selected C#.net MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.netA1724055L.Jegan : Web Crawling (late submission)
which technolgy and method used for collecting data from website
Why you selected C#.net MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.net
Sujeer Sir,
your blogspot is very nice!..
urs sincerely rajasekar..
MSc <2007-2009 batch>
your blogspot is very nice! and beautiful ur creation .
Project Title : Web Crawling
Desc : Collecting data from Website for monitoring service. (Providing Product info from one to other)
Company Name : Mobius Knowledge Sevices. Chennai.
S/W : C#.net MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.net
Good Evening Sir,
I'm Jenny(III MCA). I need to change my project title. Because in my existing process there is less effort of the application. So i request you to change my project title.
Draback of Existing project:
--> There is no application intend.
--> There is only usage of dll(Dynamic Linking Library ).
--> There is no new backend creation.It has only builtin databases which has been directly linked with ontology.
I have already submitted my project process flow for your reference ....
Also now i have submit the title and description of new project.....
DESCRIPTION: The near duplicate web pages are detected followed by the storage of crawled web pages in to repositories. Memory for repositories have been reduced and the search engine quality has been improved owing to the detection.
So i request you to accept my new Project Title......
Thanks in Advance
good evening sir,
i m sathish kumar(3rd bca), wish you a happy and very prosperouus new year. you should get all the blessings sir.
Towards Making Broadcast Encryption Practical
Software Requirements
Techniques :JDK 1.5
Front End :Java Swing
Data Base :SQL Server 2000
Company name
Towards Making Broadcast Encryption Practical
Software Requirements
Techniques :JDK 1.5
Front End :Java Swing
Data Base :SQL Server 2000
Company name
Collaborative Proxy System for Distributed Web Content Transcoding
Content services such as content filtering and transcoding adapt contents to meet system requirements, display capacities, or user preferences. Data security in such a framework is an important problem and crucial for many Web applications. In this paper, we propose an approach that addresses data integrity and confidentiality in content adaptation and caching by intermediaries. Our approach permits multiple intermediaries to simultaneously perform content services on different portions of the data. Our protocol supports decentralized proxy and key management and flexible delegation of services. Our experimental results show that our approach is efficient and minimizes the amount of data transmitted across the network.
System Requirements:
? Operating System : Win 2000 and above
? Front-End : Java Swings
? Backend : SQL - Server
Company name
1.Egate Solution
Ashok nagar, Chennai
project details comeback sir 3rd year BCA sundar
Compromised Router Monitoring approach.
S/w Requirement:
Platform : jdk 1.1.6
Front – end: java swing
Back- end : sql server 2000
Company name
Bluechips solutions,
Procedure for interdomain transfer engineering
Software requirements:
Operating System : Windows 2000 server Family.
Techniques : JDK 1.6
Data Bases : Sql Server 2000
Front End : Java Swing.
company name:
Symbian Technologies
West Tambaram,Chennai
Respected Sir,
I'm Dhanalakshmi(III MCA). I need to change my project title. Because in my existing project is less effort of the application and too delay of the company problems. So i request you to change my project title
Draback of Existing project:
There is no proper backend maintenance
There is no application intend.
1) Title: “Maruthi car sales and insurance”
Description : Maruthi company dealer had running a showroom for all kinds of maruthi car products, now they decided to automate their sales and insurance records in web application, this will enable them to check the status of the car(annual maintenance, insurance valid date, last checkup or service and etc.,)
2) Title: “Terminal management system”
Description : A private company is running ships. In view of their expanding popularity they have decided to automate their work and connect all their branches together. This would enable us customers to book their tickets from any of the branches. And too administrative process to manage the ships, manage the employee payroll and etc.,
These title were very interested and too challenge for me. So I request you to change my title.
Good Evening Sir,
I am senthurpandian(III MCA). I need to change my project title. Because of project delay in that company and that project was not suitable to us. so i request you change my project.
Title: "D.A.R.T"(Daily Activity Report Tool)
This project is mainly developed to manage and work on multiple project by various teams in an organization.
S/W : C#.net MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.net
drawback of that project:
****** its a very simple pattern matching work only
****** there is no proper backend query processing
Thanking you
S Karthick said...
My project
Cotton Mill ManageMent System
The COTTONMILL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is the one of company. The major role of the company is purchase the cotton from suppliers & produce the variety of quality yarns and sales that to the customer &maintain the stock also. So this process is difficult one with the manual work.
Software Requirements:
Front End :J2EE
Data Base :SQL Server 2000
Company name:
Block "A",2nd Floor,
Baskar Complex,
No.5,Besant Road,
Good Evening Sir,
I am v.r.g.dinesh babu(III MCA). I need to change my project title. Because of project delay in that company and that project was not suitable to us. so i request you change my project.
Title: "Anti-money laundering system(A.M.L.S.)"
To find suspicious money transaction,suspicious account through financial management(FININT).
Anti-money laundering guidelines came into prominence globally after the september 11,2001 attacks and the subsequent enactment of the USA PATRIOT Act.
A bank must perform due diligence by ascertaining a customer's identity and monitor transactions for suspicious activity.To do this,many financial institutions utilize the services of special software is called as "AML software".
S/W : C#.net MS-SQL server, IIS and asp.net
drawback of that project:
****** its a very simple pattern and already existing in yahoo
****** there is no proper backend query processing
Thanking you
• Current hazards are monitored and analysed continuously using, where appropriate, information resident in a hazard management database.A complete review of hazard and risk occurs at least every three years.
• The reporting system provides the means by which all involved in marine operations in the port or harbour can raise any relevant matters, including safety, in recognised formats.
• The object of any investigation will be to prevent further accidents through the identification of its causes and circumstance, by establishing the facts. At any point throughout the investigation it may be decided to enlist expert advice.
It covers the following processes
• Internal Audits
• External Verification
Above process were work phase only, not in my project module.
Good Evening Sir,
I'm Jenny(III MCA).Second Module of my project is "Web Crawler".
In that module i'll use only the user defined function for my requirement.
The another module of project is "Stemming".In this module Facilitates the reduction of all words possessing an identical root to a single one.
For instance, Connect,Connected,Connection are considered as a word 'Connect'.
I'll use one algorithm to accomplish that task. The name of the algorithm is Stemming Algorithm.
malaieswaran said...
This project is entitled COMPUTER SPARES SALES SYSTEM for the office executives using VB.net with MS-SQL Database. To provide a quick & faster service. The project is concerned with computerization of Distributors Details, Enquire Details, Stock Details, Advertisement Details, Sales Details, Employee Details, Attendance Details, Salary Details, A.M.C Details, Service Details, Wireless Consulting & Networking Details and Buy Back Details etc.
Software Requirements
Front End :vb.net 2003
back End :SQL Server 2003
Company name
Block "A",2nd Floor,
Baskar Complex,
No.5,Besant Road,
Project name: Steganograph
Operation system : Windows XP professional service pack II
Or windows vista
Front end : C#.net
Back end : Microsoft access
Files : Bitmap images
user name: G.manivannan
class : Bca final year
reg no : A6104549
hello sir,
good eve...
I'm Ramasamy.s III BCA My project Details is
Project Title:Cell Breathing Techniques for Load Balancing in Wireless LANs
Hardware Requirements
•System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
•Hard Disk : 40 GB.
•Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.
•Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.
•Mouse : Logitech.
•Ram : 256 Mb.
Software Requirements
•Operating System : -Windows Xp Professional.
•Front End :-Visual Studio Dot Net 2005.
•Coding Language: - C#.
•Database :-Sql 2000.
Thanking You.....
hello sir,
my name is m.r.ananda kumar im doing 3rd b.c.a,my project title : "appartment management system"
hello sir,
my name is M.R.Ananda kumar.i am doing 3rd B.C.A
my project title :"hospital management system"
Good evening sir,
I am v.r.g.dinesh babu IIIMCA
Feasibility Study:
The objective of the feasibility study is not only to solve the problem but also
to acquire a sense of its scope. The reason for doing this is to identify the most beneficial
project to the organization.
There are three aspects in the feasibility study:
1. Technical Feasibility
2. Economical Feasibility
3. Operational Feasibility
1.Technical Feasibility:
The Technical feasibility is the study of the software and how it is included in the study of our project. Regarding this there are some technical issues that should be noted they are as follows:
• Is the necessary technique available and how it is suggested and acquired?
• Does the proposed equipment have the technical capacity to hold the data required using the new system?
• Will the system provide adequate response that is made by the requester at an periodic time interval
• Can this system be expanded after this project development
• Is there a technique guarantees of accuracy, reliability in case of access of data and security
2.Economical Feasibility:
An organization makes good investment on the system. So, they should be
worthful for the amount they spend in the system. Always the financial benefit and
equals or less the cost of the system, but should not exceed the cost.
The cost of investment is analyzed for the entire system
The cost of Hardware and Software is also noted.
Analyzing the way in which the cost can be reduced
3.Operational Feasibility:
Proposed project will be beneficial only when they are turned into an information
system and to meet the organization operating requirements. The following issues are
considered for the operation:
• Does this system provide sufficient support for the user and the management?
• What is the method that should be used in this project?
• Have the users been involved in the planning and development of the projects?
• Will the proposed system cause any harm, bad result, loss of control and accessibility of the system will lost?
Problem Recognition:
The Project title is “Anti-Money Laundering System”. The Banking thus provides financial stability and strength to the organizations. Owners of property and business transfer the worry and risks to their transactions that protect the assets. It provides the much needed security and safety to mankind and ensures a free growth of the economic activities. The modern Business, Industry, commerce and trade depend on banking transactions for their transactions. This Project used to detect the money laundering in their transactions. International trade and Banking operations are facilitated. Insurance also earns foreign exchange and it is known as invisible foreign exchange earner.
The bankers have to rights for creating new bank accounts for user who wants to keep money on bank.
In this module Account holders are able to do online account transactions like Fund Transfer, With Draw and Deposits.
The Financial intelligence people can view the account holder’s information from Know your customer.
Transaction monitoring can include cash deposits and withdrawals, wire transfers and activity
Currency Transaction Reporting(CTR) Systems,which deal with large cash transaction reporting requirements.
Performance Requirements:
An entire industry has developed around providing software to analyze transactions in an attempt to identify transactions or patterns of transactions, called structuring, which requires a SAR filing, or other suspicious patterns that qualify for Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) reporting. Financial institutions face penalties for failing to properly file Currency Transaction Reporting (CTR) and SAR reports, including heavy fines and regulatory restrictions, even to the point of charter revocation.
Thanking you
Good evening sir,
I am v.r.g.dinesh babu IIIMCA
Feasibility Study:
The objective of the feasibility study is not only to solve the problem but also
to acquire a sense of its scope. The reason for doing this is to identify the most beneficial
project to the organization.
There are three aspects in the feasibility study:
1. Technical Feasibility
2. Economical Feasibility
3. Operational Feasibility
1.Technical Feasibility:
The Technical feasibility is the study of the software and how it is included in the study of our project. Regarding this there are some technical issues that should be noted they are as follows:
• Is the necessary technique available and how it is suggested and acquired?
• Does the proposed equipment have the technical capacity to hold the data required using the new system?
• Will the system provide adequate response that is made by the requester at an periodic time interval
• Can this system be expanded after this project development
• Is there a technique guarantees of accuracy, reliability in case of access of data and security
2.Economical Feasibility:
An organization makes good investment on the system. So, they should be
worthful for the amount they spend in the system. Always the financial benefit and
equals or less the cost of the system, but should not exceed the cost.
The cost of investment is analyzed for the entire system
The cost of Hardware and Software is also noted.
Analyzing the way in which the cost can be reduced
3.Operational Feasibility:
Proposed project will be beneficial only when they are turned into an information
system and to meet the organization operating requirements. The following issues are
considered for the operation:
• Does this system provide sufficient support for the user and the management?
• What is the method that should be used in this project?
• Have the users been involved in the planning and development of the projects?
• Will the proposed system cause any harm, bad result, loss of control and accessibility of the system will lost?
Problem Recognition:
The Project title is “Anti-Money Laundering System”. The Banking thus provides financial stability and strength to the organizations. Owners of property and business transfer the worry and risks to their transactions that protect the assets. It provides the much needed security and safety to mankind and ensures a free growth of the economic activities. The modern Business, Industry, commerce and trade depend on banking transactions for their transactions. This Project used to detect the money laundering in their transactions. International trade and Banking operations are facilitated. Insurance also earns foreign exchange and it is known as invisible foreign exchange earner.
The bankers have to rights for creating new bank accounts for user who wants to keep money on bank.
In this module Account holders are able to do online account transactions like Fund Transfer, With Draw and Deposits.
The Financial intelligence people can view the account holder’s information from Know your customer.
Transaction monitoring can include cash deposits and withdrawals, wire transfers and activity
Currency Transaction Reporting(CTR) Systems,which deal with large cash transaction reporting requirements.
Performance Requirements:
An entire industry has developed around providing software to analyze transactions in an attempt to identify transactions or patterns of transactions, called structuring, which requires a SAR filing, or other suspicious patterns that qualify for Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) reporting. Financial institutions face penalties for failing to properly file Currency Transaction Reporting (CTR) and SAR reports, including heavy fines and regulatory restrictions, even to the point of charter revocation.
Thanking you
Gud aftrn sir,
i,m jenny(III MCA).
Database Design
2. Search
Table Design
Table Name: Login
Columnname Type Length
uname Varchar 15
pword Varchar 20
Table Name: deploy
Columnname Type Length
nSiteId int 4
wname Varchar 300
wDescription Varchar 300
wurl Varchar 200
Modular Design:
Modular design offers advantages for program development, as well as security advantages. It is the process of dividing a task into subtasks.Each module performs a separate,independent task. Program units should be only as large as needed to perform their duties. There are several advantages to writing a program as a series of small ,self-contained modules.
Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a database. There are two goals of the normalization process: eliminating redundant data and ensuring data dependencies make sense. Both of these are worthy goals as they reduce the amount of space a database consumes and ensure that data is logically stored.
Hi sir,
I'm DineshKumar-IIIMCA.
Modular Design:
modular design — or "modularity in design" — is an approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts (modules) that can be independently created and then used in different systems to drive multiple functionalities. Besides reduction in cost (due to lesser customization, and less learning time), and flexibility in design, modularity offers other benefits such as augmentation (adding new solution by merely plugging in a new module), and exclusion. Examples of modular systems are cars, computers and high rise buildings. Earlier examples include looms, railroad signaling systems, telephone exchanges, pipe organs and electric power distribution systems.
Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a database. There are two goals of the normalization process: eliminating redundant data and ensuring data dependencies make sense. Both of these are worthy goals as they reduce the amount of space a database consumes and ensure that data is logically stored.
Table Design
Table Name: ADMIN
ColumnName DataType
Table Name: LOOKUP
ColumnName DataType
>>platform independent
>>Time consuming
>>According into the grid video splitting concept.
Thank You sir.....
Hi sir,
I am Anand(IIIMCA).
Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a database. There are two goals of the normalization process: eliminating redundant data and ensuring data dependencies make sense. Both of these are worthy goals as they reduce the amount of space a database consumes and ensure that data is logically stored.
Modular Design:
modular design — or "modularity in design" — is an approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts (modules) that can be independently created and then used in different systems to drive multiple functionalities. Besides reduction in cost (due to lesser customization, and less learning time), and flexibility in design, modularity offers other benefits such as augmentation (adding new solution by merely plugging in a new module), and exclusion.
Database Design:
>>> clientdb
>>> image1
>>> knowledgebase
Table Design:
Databasename: clientdb
Table name: ExtractedImages
Columnname Type Length
DisCode nvarchar 50
ImagePath nvarchar 500
DescPath nvarchar 500
Table name: original
Columnname Type Length
imgname varchar 100
originalimgpath nvarchar 2000
Good evening sir,
I am M.Mohamed farook badhusha IIIMCA
The developed system is flexible and robust. This software provides the clarity in all its operation in terms of what, why, when, where, how and also reduces the cost of operations.
In performing analaysis, design, coding and implementation we have made success in matching the system objectives with the goals of the organization. The newly developed system consumes less processingtime. Since the Navigation is maintained throughout the system, they are much user-friendlier and server the organization purpose.
This system has been implemented such that it can be used to analysis the traffic. By this project we can predict the traveling time through generating the possible routes in between the nodes in a dynamic vehicular traffic systems. We can make the Behavior should be consistent as possible before we traveling in the dynamic routes. The new system has been done successfully by using the front end of ASP.Net and Back End of Microsoft SQL Server.
All pairs shortest path algorithm has been used to find out the shortest path in between the selected nodes. After find out the shortest path we are generating the optimal value by using the distances, road conditions and traffic signals.
Thanking you,sir
Good evening sir,
I am M.Mohamed farook badhusha IIIMCA
Here matrix A contains the possible routes in between the nodes. Possible routes are collecting from the database after selected the nodes(cities). We need to find out the shortest path from the possible routes by using the all pairs shortest path algorithm.Let G=(V,E) be a directed graph with n vertices. Let cost be a cost adjacency matrix for G such that cost(i,j)=0,1<=i<=n. Then cost(i,j) is the
length(or cost) of edge if{i,j}belongs to E(G) and cost(i,j)=alpha if i not equal to j and not belongs to E(G). The all-pairs shortest-path problem is to determine a matrix A such that A(i,j) is the length of a shortest path from i to j. The matrix A can be obtained by solving n single-source problems using the algorithm Shortest Paths. Since each application of this procedure requires O(n3) time. Our alternate solution requires a weaker restriction on edge costs than required by Shortest paths. Rather than require cost (i,j)>=0, for every edge, it is required that G have no cycles with negative length. Note that if G is allowed to contain a cycle of negative length, then the shortst path between any two vertices on this cycle has length -alpha
Let us examine a shortest i to j path in G, i alpha j. This path originates at vertex i and goes through some intermediate vertices (possibly none) and terminates at vertex j. One can assume that this path contains no cycles for if there is a cycle and then this can be deleted without increasing the path length (no cycle has negative length). If k is anintermediate vertex on this shortest path, then the subpaths are from i to k and from k to j respectively. Otherwise, the i to j path is not of minimum length. So, the principle of optimality holds. This alerts us to the prospect of using dynamic programming. If k is the intermediate vertex with highest index, then the i to k path is shortest i to k path in G going through no vertex with index greater than k-1. Similarly the k to j path is a shortest k to j path in G going through no vertex of index greater than k-1.
It is regarded the construction of a shortest i to j path as first requiring a decision as to which is the highest indexed intermediate vertex k. Once this decision has been made, it is needed to find two shortest paths, one from i to k and other from k toj. Neither of these may go through a vertex with index greater than k-1. Using Ak(i,j) to represent the length of a shortest path from i to j going through no vertex of index greater than k, it is obtained
A(i,j)=min{min{Ak-1(i,k)+ Ak-1(k,j)},cost(i,j)}
Clearly, A0(i,j)=cost(i,j), 1<=i<=n. One can obtain a recurrence for Ak(i.j) using an argument similar to that used before. A shortest path from i to j going through no vertex higher than k either goes through vertex k or it does not. If it does, Ak(i.j)=Ak-1(i,k)+ Ak-1(k,j). If it does not, then no intermediate vertex, has index greater than k-1.
Hence Ak(i,j)= Ak-1(i,j). Combining one gets
Ak(i,j)=min{Ak-1(i,j), Ak-1(i,k)+ Ak-1(k,j)}, k>=1
The initial A matrix, Ak-1(i,j), plus the values after three iterations A(1),A(2)and A(3)
Let M=max{cost(i,j)|belongs to E(G)}. It is easy to see that An(ij)<=(n-1)M. From the working of All Paths, it is clear that if not belongs to E(G) and inot equal to j, then one can initialize cost(i,j) to any number greater than (n-1)M (rather than the maximum allowable floating point number). If, at termination, A(i,j)>(n-1)M, then there is no directed path from i to j in G. Even for this choice of alpha, care should be taken to avoid any floating-point overflows.
The time needed by All Paths is especially easy to determine because the looping is independent of the data in the matrix A. So the time for All Paths is 0(n3).
Thanking you,sir
Good evening sir,
I am M.Mohamed farook badhusha IIIMCA
The newly developed system, in its present form, is eminently suites to the existing needs. But in order to meet the future needs, which can become progressively more complex the efficiency of the system can be improved by making some simple modifications in the programs.
The current system supports only limited nodes (cities) which can be enhanced to support more number of nodes (cities) dynamically.
In future, the sensors can be implemented to visualize the movement of vehicles from source to destination.
This application can be implemented in mobile application and user can able to search the best route in mobile itself.
Implementation of web service technology which can be enhanced to other vendor applications which can be run in any possible platforms.
The dynamic caching facilities can be implemented to retrieve the frequently accessed resource in order to avoid the repetition of same process.
The newly developed system, in its present form, is eminently suites to the existing needs. But in order to meet the future needs, which can become progressively more complex the efficiency of the system can be improved by making some simple modifications in the programs.
The current system supports only limited nodes (cities) which can be enhanced to support more number of nodes (cities) dynamically.
In future, the sensors can be implemented to visualize the movement of vehicles from source to destination.
This application can be implemented in mobile application and user can able to search the best route in mobile itself.
Implementation of web service technology which can be enhanced to other vendor applications which can be run in any possible platforms.
The dynamic caching facilities can be implemented to retrieve the frequently accessed resource in order to avoid the repetition of same process.
Thanking you,sir
Hai Sir,
This is VIJAYA KAUMAR.A old student of our MKU evening college.
How are you sir....
sir, when will be issue the con vacation certificate pls inform sir.
yours well wisher,
Vijaya kumar.A
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